Meet Sonya

Who is Sonya Lowery?

I’m a Dreamer. I began this journey with a small wish for myself – that I would stop living in fear and stop living a life of “what if”. I decided to try things that scared me and seek out new adventures no matter where they were in the world. What I found was more than I could’ve ever imagined. I found my own reflection in other cultures. I found that we are all ultimately the same; that we all want the same things in life and that we all have something unique and beautiful to offer no matter our background, culture, language or difference. I found growth and happiness in my discomfort. I found myself on the other side of the world.

Why World Next Door?

World Next Door is an invitation to try something outside of the ordinary, something you’ve never done, something amazing. It’s an invitation to experience new things that may be outside of your comfort zone with new people that just may become members of your extended family.

We are adventure seekers; we are travelers; we are citizens of the world. If we are scared, we do it anyway. We support each other, we help each other, and we learn from each other every time we set out on a new journey. World Next Door is a place to expand your horizons and learn more about yourself and this wide world that we live in. Won’t you join us?


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